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Media Manager

Catalog Multimedia collection, automatic data extraction.


"Catalog Multimedia collection, automatic data extraction."
runterload.de Editor Multimedia collection Hard Disk, CD, DVD or another format, get on Take Control.

If a PC can access the program files will automatically extract the information. Eg official data, MP3 tags, ZIP, CAB, RAR files, including the contents Library () EXIF.

CDDB support (Audio CDs Artist and Track information can be filled by the Internet's FreeDB service).

Common image file types, automatic "Thumb nail is" may in the future.
Or for any file type you choose you can add a thumbnail picture. Capture resolution options are small.

Multimedia files (Audio / Video) catalog can be previewed from the browser. --
or a thumbnail. (Double click the small box small and Video will play.)

Video can be paused and small hand.

"Files may Rated. Searches for using this extremely portable.

Files for multiple users organize the way you want you can help your catalog "Keys" can be defined, tagged. Automatically or manually when importing keys can be added after importation.
For example, setting (auto) switch, an "official" file of this file to define it more clearly - that add extra buttons "to indicate if you wish Karen's Wedding Photo", and then further sub-definitions. Then easily catalog, categorized all the images you can return to the level required.

Powerful and flexible features, add the disk or directory. Contents (or just included!) You defined and pre-determined conditions.
- So the unwanted files automatically, effort and time spent on the space-saving catalog files to exclude qualifying matches can be filtered.
Drag and drop support, and, the main file detail fields. For example, a catalog file, point your browser directly to a picture by dragging them search the web for some information. We want to keep any desired text to follow the same process.

File records of calls can be transferred back to a single mouse click. Can free download Media Manager 3.2 now.

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